Ankur Warikoo's "Do Epic Shit" is a motivational and practical guidebook that challenges readers to break free from their comfort zones and embark on a journey of personal and professional growth. In this review, I'll explore the key themes, insights, and takeaways from the book in 1000 words.

The Essence of Epic Shit: Ankur Warikoo, a renowned entrepreneur, educator, and motivational speaker, begins his book by emphasizing the importance of taking bold actions and pursuing one's dreams. He argues that many of us settle for mediocrity due to fear, societal pressure, or self-doubt, and he encourages readers to rise above these limitations and aim for epic achievements.

The Power of Mindset: Warikoo delves into the significance of mindset as the foundation for accomplishing epic goals. He introduces the concept of a "Growth Mindset," inspired by the work of psychologist Carol Dweck. A growth mindset involves seeing challenges as opportunities for learning and believing in the capacity for personal development. Warikoo urges readers to adopt this mindset to fuel their journey towards epic achievements.

Defining Your Epic: To start their epic journey, Warikoo advises readers to clearly define their goals and dreams. He emphasizes the importance of setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives. By doing so, readers can gain a clear understanding of what they want to achieve and chart a path towards their epic goals.

Overcoming Fear and Doubt: One of the primary obstacles to doing epic shit is fear and self-doubt. Warikoo shares personal anecdotes and strategies to overcome these psychological barriers. He advocates for embracing fear as a natural part of growth and recommends techniques like visualization and positive affirmations to boost self-confidence.

The Importance of Resilience: Warikoo acknowledges that the journey to epic achievements is riddled with setbacks and failures. Resilience, he argues, is the key to bouncing back from disappointments. Drawing from his own experiences, he highlights the importance of grit, perseverance, and learning from failures as essential traits for success.

Surrounding Yourself with the Right People: Warikoo emphasizes the role of relationships in the pursuit of epic goals. He encourages readers to build a support network of mentors, peers, and advisors who can provide guidance and motivation. Furthermore, he advises readers to distance themselves from negative influences and toxic individuals who may hinder their progress.

Time Management and Productivity: Achieving epic goals often requires effective time management and productivity. Warikoo shares practical tips on prioritization, delegation, and time-blocking to help readers make the most of their time and energy. He also stresses the importance of setting boundaries to maintain work-life balance.

Embracing Continuous Learning: In the rapidly changing world, continuous learning is crucial for staying relevant and achieving epic success. Warikoo encourages readers to be avid learners, seeking knowledge from various sources, including books, courses, and mentors. He also advocates for the value of curiosity and the willingness to explore new ideas and fields.

Financial Literacy and Risk-Taking: Warikoo dedicates a section of the book to financial literacy and the role of money in achieving epic goals. He advises readers to understand their finances, create budgets, and invest wisely. Moreover, he discusses the importance of taking calculated risks, such as entrepreneurship or investing, as a means to accelerate progress towards epic achievements.

Balancing Ambition and Well-Being: While the pursuit of epic goals is essential, Warikoo reminds readers not to sacrifice their well-being